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About The Race

The events will take you, in teams of 2, 3 or 4 mixed or single gender, across 2 brand new courses across the Greater Wellington / Kapiti / Horowhenua region. 

These events are entry level so the navigation won't be too technical, nor will be biking.

The course will include mountain biking,  hiking, navigation, team building and some surprise (potentially grubby but normally quirky and funny) activities along the way. You will complete the race by passing through checkpoints (CP) and the central HUB where you will prepare for a change of discipline, re-fuel for the next stage and continue on to the finish line. These races are a clover leaf design so no support crew is required.  

Distances are approx. 20 - 30 km but may vary.

Navigation is by good old fashioned map and compass. You will receive one map per team approx. 15mins before the event starts. 

What more could you ask for on a day out?


Race 1 :  June 22nd Venue TBC

Race 2 : July 20th Venue TBC​


Early bird, just $80 per person per event


It's compulsory, you must bring it all but we won't be checking all this gear. We trust you!

Race Day

Register, race, go home! Easy as!



Boring to have rules, we know that, but they are important so click below to check them out.



From our friends at Thermatech. See what is on offer by clicking below.

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